Two Team Tiebreakers Status

1. Display Status

      Has Won          - Means that when analyzing all possible regular season outcomes, the two teams will finish in a two-team tiebreaker that affects the playoff seeds at least once and when it occurs the team under consideration (TUC) will win that tiebreaker every time.  Note this is not the current status of the tiebreakers but the status at the end of the season.

      Currently Ahead  - Means that when analyzing all possible regular season outcomes, the two teams will finish in a two-team tiebreaker that affects the playoff seeds at least twice with each team winning at least once.  The color is based upon the current status of the tiebreakers.  See explanation below on current status calculations.

      Currently Equal  - Means that when analyzing all possible regular season outcomes, the two teams will finish in a two-team tiebreaker that affects the playoff seeds at least twice with each team winning at least once.  The color is based upon the current status of the tiebreakers.  See explanation below on current status calculations.

      Currently Behind - Means that when analyzing all possible regular season outcomes, the two teams will finish in a two-team tiebreaker at least twice with each team winning at least once.  The color is based upon the current status of the tiebreakers.  See explanation below on current status calculations.

      Has Lost         - Means that when analyzing all possible regular season outcomes, the two teams will finish in a two-team tiebreaker that affects the playoff seeds at least once and when it occurs the team under consideration (TUC) will lose that tiebreaker every time.  Note this is not the current status of the tiebreakers but the status at the end of the season.

2. Current Status Calculations

The current status calculations starts by analyzing the first league tiebreaker - typically a head-to-head tiebreaker.  Every tiebreaker has a minimum, current, and maximum values for each team.   The comparsion between the two teams starts with the current value and if tied progresses to the maximum value and finally to the minimum value.  If those three comparison are equal and there are still unplayed games involving that tiebreaker (ie. maximum value != minimum value) then the tiebreaker status is considered "Currently Equal".  If those three comparisons are equal and no unplayed games involving the tiebreaker remain (team1 max = team1 cur = team1 min = team2 max = team2 cur = team2 min) then the next league tiebreaker is used to determine the current status.

3. Blurred Team Rows

A team row may be blurred if

4. Examples

The following examples uses NFL teams.