Sat Mar 15 1:00 am

NHL - Week 24 of 29

Western Conference Losing Magic Numbers

How close is your team from being eliminated from winning a certain playoff spot? A Losing Magic Number is the number of games a team must lose to guarantee losing a given playoff spot. Click a team name to proceed to the team playoff picture page.

Western Conference Losing Magic Numbers
Record Pacific Divisional Winners Central Divisional Winners Wildcard No
Team DivisionDiv W L OTLi
Overtime Loses
Games Played
82 game season
Pts = 2*W + 1*OTL
First Round Home
Ice Advantage
First Round Home
Ice Advantage
3 1*
First Round Home
Ice Advantage
First Round Home
Ice Advantage
3 7 8 9
Jets CentralCnt 46 17 4 67 96 - - - MW MW MW MW MW MW
Stars CentralCnt 42 21 2 65 86 - - - 13 MW MW MW MW MW
Avalanche CentralCnt 40 24 3 67 83 - - - 9 14 MW MW MW MW
Wild CentralCnt 37 24 5 66 79 - - - 8 13 14 MW MW MW
Blues CentralCnt 31 28 7 66 69 - - - 3 8 9 11 15 MW
Hockey Club CentralCnt 29 26 11 66 69 - - - 3 8 9 11 15 MW
Predators CentralCnt 25 33 7 65 57 - - - X 3 4 7 10 MW
Blackhawks CentralCnt 20 37 9 66 49 - - - X X X 2 5 MW
Golden Knights PacificPcf 39 19 7 65 85 MW MW MW - - - MW MW MW
Oilers PacificPcf 38 24 4 66 80 14 16 MW - - - MW MW MW
Kings PacificPcf 35 20 9 64 79 15 17 MW - - - MW MW MW
Flames PacificPcf 30 24 11 65 71 10 12 13 - - - 13 17 MW
Canucks PacificPcf 30 24 11 65 71 10 12 13 - - - 13 17 MW
Ducks PacificPcf 29 30 7 66 65 6 8 9 - - - 9 13 MW
Kraken PacificPcf 29 34 4 67 62 4 6 7 - - - 7 10 MW
Sharks PacificPcf 18 40 9 67 45 X X X - - - X 2 MW
  • Notes
  • ^ means the team will finish better than this spot
  • X means the team cannot win this spot
  • numeric indicates the number of games that must be lost to guarantee losing this spot
  • "MW" indicates the team Might Win the spot despite losing all of its remaining games
  • * denotes first round home ice advantage in the playoffs