Wed Mar 26 1:30 am

NHL - Week 26 of 29

Eastern Conference Tiebreakers

The Eastern Conference Tiebreakers table presents the status of each team's tiebreakers (in no particular order). Maximum, current, and minimum tiebreakers values are provided. Not all tiebreakers can be listed (such as head-to-head, common games, etc.). Desktop users can hover over a table header or value for detailed information.


  1. Wins in Regulation
  2. Wins in Regulation/OT
  3. Wins in Regulation/OT/SO
  4. Head-to-Head Pts Pts ►more

    Teams may have a different number of games against its tiebreaker opponents, thus average points per game is used.

    Each team plays each of its 7 divisional opponents either 3 or 4 times.  Additionally, it plays each of its 8 non-divisional conference opponents 3 times.  If a team has played one of its tiebreaker opponents an uneven number of games, the first game played in the city that has the extra game(the "odd game") shall not be included.

  5. Goal Differential - All 82 Games
  6. Goals - All 82 Games

Eastern Conference Tiebreakers
Record Tiebreakers
Team Division Div W L OTL GP Ptsi
Pts = 2*W + 1*OTL
Wins Ri
Wins in Regulation

Maximum | Current Values
Wins R/OTi
Wins in Regulation/OT

Maximum | Current Values
Wins R/OT/SOi
Wins in Regulation/OT/SO

Maximum | Current Values
Goal Differential - All Games

Current Goal Differential in all games.
Capitals MetropolitanMet 47 15 9 71 103 51 | 4051|40 57 | 4657|46 58 | 4758|47  75
Hurricanes MetropolitanMet 43 24 4 71 90 49 | 3849|38 54 | 4354|43 54 | 4354|43  37
Devils MetropolitanMet 37 28 7 72 81 43 | 3343|33 46 | 3646|36 47 | 3747|37  24
Maple Leafs AtlanticAtl 43 25 3 71 89 46 | 3546|35 53 | 4253|42 54 | 4354|43  21
Panthers AtlanticAtl 43 25 3 71 89 46 | 3546|35 49 | 3849|38 54 | 4354|43  36
Lightning AtlanticAtl 41 25 5 71 87 46 | 3546|35 50 | 3950|39 52 | 4152|41  59
Senators AtlanticAtl 37 28 5 70 79 40 | 2840|28 48 | 3648|36 49 | 3749|37  1 
Canadiens AtlanticAtl 33 28 9 70 75 36 | 2436|24 43 | 3143|31 45 | 3345|33 -23
Islanders MetropolitanMet 32 28 10 70 74 37 | 2537|25 42 | 3042|30 44 | 3244|32 -16
Rangers MetropolitanMet 34 32 6 72 74 41 | 3141|31 43 | 3343|33 44 | 3444|34 -2 
Blue Jackets MetropolitanMet 32 29 9 70 73 35 | 2335|23 39 | 2739|27 44 | 3244|32 -8 
Red Wings AtlanticAtl 33 32 6 71 72 36 | 2536|25 41 | 3041|30 44 | 3344|33 -22
Bruins AtlanticAtl 30 33 9 72 69 33 | 2333|23 40 | 3040|30 40 | 3040|30 -46
Penguins MetropolitanMet 29 33 11 73 69 29 | 2029|20 37 | 2837|28 38 | 2938|29 -53
Flyers MetropolitanMet 28 36 9 73 65 26 | 1726|17 32 | 2332|23 37 | 2837|28 -52
Sabres AtlanticAtl 29 35 6 70 64 35 | 2335|23 38 | 2638|26 41 | 2941|29 -26
  • Notes
  • Wins R : Wins in Regulation : Maximum | Current Values
  • Wins R/OT : Wins in Regulation/OT : Maximum | Current Values
  • Wins R/OT/SO : Wins in Regulation/OT/SO : Maximum | Current Values
  • GoalD : Goal Differential - All Games : Current Goal Differential in all games